
Revue de Presse: April 25

25 April 2021 |

This week, multiple articles highlight the continued waffling of the professional foreign policy establishment. In The National Interest, David V. Gioe offers a vision of American security imperatives wherein concerns abroad […]


Open Society Realism

  Review of Robert Schuett, Hans Kelsen’s Political Realism (Edinburgh University Press, 2021)   “Make no mistake, Hans Kelsen is my favourite political philosopher…In the theory and practice of international […]


Can democracy work?

19 March 2021 |

Did American democracy survive the presidency of Donald Trump? The question seems sure to occupy historians, commentators and the public during the administration of Joe Biden and beyond. If nothing […]


Revue de Presse: March 8

8 March 2021 |

As Macron’s government continues its crusade against “Islamo-leftism” in France’s universities—led by ministers Frédérique Vidal and Jean-Michel Blanquer—academics speak out against what they see as an assault against academic freedom […]
