Concentrating the European Mind
As Dr. Johnson observed long ago, “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” Donald Trump’s dressing-down of Volodymyr Zelenskyy in […]
Divorce Consummated
“This is going to be great television,” President Trump declared with satisfaction after he and his vice-president teamed up to hector Ukrainian President Zelensky about his alleged lack of gratitude […]
Divorce Decreed
A few days ago, Emmanuel Macron met with Donald Trump. After the meeting, Macron, with his usual self-confidence, seemed certain that he had headed off a US-Europe trade war: ‘“Come […]
Collective Beliefs. New Issue of ‘The Tocqueville Review’
Collective Beliefs, and a forum on Degenerations of Democracy (2022). The new issue of The Tocqueville Review is now available online on Muse or UTP (Vol. 45, No. 2) The Tocqueville […]
Bayrou Places His Bets
As I write, François Bayrou is still speaking to the Assemblée Nationale, and the deputies of La France Insoumise have not given up their disgraceful heckling, despite having failed to […]
Jean-Marie Le Pen, 1928-2025
There are many rhythms in politics, in which, as the adage goes, “a week is a long time.” Sometimes. At other times, a lifetime is not long enough. Jean-Marie Le […]
Ça ira …
The new government has just been announced, and I am rubbing my eyes in disbelief. Elisabeth Borne as no. 2? Retailleau still at Interior. Darmanin at Justice. Dati maintained at […]
Dead Center
Apparently, there will be no announcement of a new government this evening. François Bayrou has never been a man in a hurry. Unlike the president, who is always in a […]
At long last, no longer the bridesmaid … maybe
After the now customary tergiversation, Emmanuel Macron has made his choice: François Bayrou. Bayrou, until now always the bridesmaid but never the bride, hadn’t been able to cash on his […]
Into the Unknown
Macron has spoken. He will not resign–no surprise there. Beyond that, he gave nothing away about his intentions, except to make it clear that he continues to believe in the […]