
Populism vs. the Left?

(Lire en français) Review of Chantal Mouffe, For a Left Populism (Verso, 2018)   Though the Belgian philosopher Chantal Mouffe remains far better known in the Anglo-American world than in France, this […]


Coup de Semonce

9 June 2018 |

Three economists of broadly social liberal stripe–Jean Pisani-Ferry, Philippe Martin, and Philippe Aghion–have sent Emmanuel Macron a note articulating their disappointment with the “imbalance” of his economic policies to date. […]


Austrian Politics—Black and Blue

12 May 2018 |

In December 2017, Austria got its new government, a coalition between the centre-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), headed by the charismatic 31-year-old college dropout Sebastian Kurz, the world’s youngest head […]


Italy: The Politics of Frustration

16 March 2018 |

“When France sneezes, Europe catches cold”: in these days, Count Metternich’s famous quip could arguably be extended to nearly all European democracies, whose precarious health reverberates on the whole Continent. […]


Europe’s Aggressive Humanism

12 March 2018 |

Editor’s note: This article by David Kretz originally appeared online in The Point Magazine last December. Since then, it’s become only all the more evident that the Center for Political Beauty’s style mixture […]


De l’Immigration

23 January 2018 |

  This is a guest post by Adrien Abecassis. Adrien Abecassis est Visiting Fellow au Weatherhead Center for International Affairs de Harvard. Diplomate de formation, il a été conseiller pour […]
