Giuseppe Cocco

Giuseppe Cocco is a political theorist, Professor of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He obtained his Doctorate in Social History at Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) (1993). He has published extensively on political violence, urban violence, the transformations of capitalism, the transformations of labour, urban territories and urban planning, citizenship, and social mobilization. He is part of the Multitudes collective in France and he is an editor of the social and political theory journal Lugar Comum in Brazil. He is also one of the founders Universidade Nômade Brasil, a platform for analysis of the contemporary political context by political theorists, social theorists and philosophers.

Milei: The Meteor

26 January 2024 |

Translated by Cross Lawrence An Accursed Era In 1999, J.M. Coetzee wrote: “Robert Musil would call the times in which he lived an ‘accursed era’ ; his best energies were […]


Milei, Le Météore

12 December 2023 |

  L’ère Maudite. En 1999, J.M Coetzee écrit : « Robert Musil qualifiait l’époque à laquelle il vivait d’ ‘ère maudite’ ; ses meilleures énergies étaient consacrées à essayer de […]
