Le Club
Adrien Abecassis
Adrien Abecassis est Visiting Fellow au Weatherhead Center for International Affairs de Harvard. Diplomate de formation, il a été conseiller pour les affaires européennes puis conseiller politique à l’Elysée de 2012 à 2017.

Mitchell Abidor
Mitchell Abidor is a translator and writer. He has published two books on the Paris Commune, Communards and Voices of the Paris Commune. He has also been a prolific contributor to publications such as The New York Review of Books and The New York Times.
Nadia Abu El-Haj
Nadia Abu El-Haj is Professor in the Departments of Anthropology at Barnard College and Columbia University, and Co-Director of the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia. In addition to numerous journal articles published on topics ranging from the history of archaeology in Palestine to the question of race and genomics today, Abu El-Haj has published two books: Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society (2001), which won the Albert Hourani Annual Book Award from the Middle East Studies Association in 2002, and The Genealogical Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology (2012). She is currently working on a third book-length manuscript provisionally titled, The Ethics of Trauma: Moral Injury, Combat, and U.S. Empire.
Bruce Ackerman
Bruce Ackerman is Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale. He is a Commander of the French Order of Merit, and a recipient of the Henry Phillips Prize awarded by American Philosophical Society for lifetime achievement in Jurisprudence. His recent work, Revolutionary Constitutions, explores the continuing legacy of the American and French Revolutions in shaping national responses to the current global legitimacy-crisis. His book, Before the Next Attack (2006), served as an important resource in the recent reform of the French constitution dealing with emergency powers. His on-going contributions has led Prospect Magazine to name him one of the world’s “Top Fifty Thinkers for 2020.”
Thomás de Barros
Thomás Zicman de Barros is a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris and a PhD candidate in Political Theory at the Center of Political Research (CEVIPOF). He develops his research activity on the interdisciplinary articulation between Political Theory and Psychoanalysis, studying pre-populist protest movements and reflecting on the role of affects in the construction of collective identities.

Michael Behrent
Michael C. Behrent teaches modern European history at Appalachian State University (North Carolina).
David Bell
David A. Bell is Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor in the Department of History at Princeton University. He is the author of six books, including The Cult of the Nation in France (2001) and The First Total War (2007). His new book, on charisma and power in the age of revolutions, is forthcoming from Farrar, Straus and Giroux. He writes regularly for publications that include The Nation and The London Review of Books. In 2018-19 he will be the John and Constance Birkelund Fellow at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library.
Sheri Berman
Sheri Berman is professor of Politics at Barnard College Columbia University. She has written extensively on European history and politics, the development of democracy and dictatorship, fascism, populism and the history of the left for both scholarly and non-scholarly publications. Her most recent book length project, Democracy and Dictatorship in Europe: From the Ancien Regime to the Present Day is forthcoming from Oxford University Press.
Alain Bertho
Alain Bertho est anthropologue, professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris 8. Il a dirigé la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris-Nord de 2013 à 2019 et siégé six ans au bureau du réseau national des MSH. Il a présidé la section 20 du Conseil National des Universités de 2011 à 2015 et dirigé l’École doctorale de Sciences sociales de Paris 8 de 2007 à 2013. Ses recherches depuis 35 ans portent sur les classes populaires urbaines et leurs mobilisations (en France, au Sénégal et au Brésil), la crise de la politique et plus précisément depuis 2005, sur la violence collective et les affrontements civils : les émeutes mais aussi le terrorisme depuis 2015. Il tient à jour quotidiennement une banque de données sur ces affrontements, disponible en ligne sur son site. Il tient un blog d’actualité sur le site Médiapart.
Il a notamment publié :
- Time over? Le temps des soulèvements, Le Croquant, 2020.
- Les enfants du chaos, essai sur le temps des martyrs, La Découverte, 2016. (traduction anglaise : The Age of Violence: The Crisis of Policy and the End of Utopia, Verso, 2018)
- Le temps des émeutes, Bayard, 2009.
- Nous autres nous-mêmes, ethnographie politique du présent, Le Croquant, 2008, (traduction brésilienne Os outros somos nos, ethnografia politica do presente, Ulbra éd. 2008)
- L’Etat de guerre, La Dispute, 2003.
- Contre l’Etat, la politique, La Dispute, 1999.
- Banlieue, banlieue, banlieue, La Dispute, 1997.
Una Blagojević
Una Blagojević is a first-year PhD student at the Department of History, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
Rita Carlos
Rita Carlos est doctorante en sociologie à l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) au sein du Centre d’études sur le droit et les institutions pénales (CESDIP). Ses travaux portent sur la justice des mineurs, notamment le rétablissement, en France, de prisons à destination d’enfants ou de lieux de privation de liberté, à l’interface entre le milieu carcéral et le milieu ouvert. Elle étudie en particulier les rapports de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans ces établissements mis en perspective avec les trajectoires des acteurs et le système de contraintes dans lequel ils s’inscrivent. Elle a également réalisé plusieurs documentaires audios tels que Bande organisée ou Devenir patient.
Nathalie Caron
Nathalie Caron est professeure à Sorbonne Université, dans l’UFR d’études anglophones. Spécialiste des questions religieuses aux Etats-Unis, plus particulièrement au cours de la période fondatrice des Etats-Unis, elle s’intéresse aux processus de sécularisation et aux recompositions religieuses. Elle est l’auteure de Thomas Paine contre l'imposture des prêtres (L’Harmattan, 1999), ainsi que de plusieurs articles sur Paine dont « The Relevance of Thomas Paine’s Religious Thought Today », dans Thomas Paine: Common Sense for the Modern Era (Ronald King, ed., San Diego State University Press, 2009). Elle a co-signé, avec Naomi Wulf, « Les Lumières américaines : continuités et renouveau » (Transatlantica, 2009). L’article a remporté le prix David Thelen décerné par l’Organization of American Historian et a été publié en anglais sous le titre « American Enlightenments: Continuity and Renewal », dans The Journal of American History (2013). Elle a co-dirigé, avec Guillaume Marche, La Politisation du religieux en modernité (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015). Vient de paraître « Sécularisme, sécularité, laïcité aux États-Unis », dans La laïcité dans la tourmente (Roseline Letteron, dir., Sorbonne Université Presses, 2019).
Emile Chabal
Emile Chabal is a Reader in History at the University of Edinburgh. He is a specialist of postwar French and European history. He has published widely on contemporary French politics and intellectual history, from major scholarly monographs to newspaper op-eds. He is currently working on an intellectual biography of the Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm.
Giuliana Chamedes
I am a scholar of international and global history, with a focus on the place of Europe in the wider world. My research reframes the twentieth century around the paradox of internationalism. I investigate how the past century’s leading European internationalist movements (including socialism, fascism, anti-fascism, and Catholic internationalism) sought to grow their global reach, even as they failed to break free from exclusionary understandings of social justice and solidarity.
Joël Charbit
Joël Charbit est docteur en sociologie de l’université Lille 1 et chercheur associé au CLERSE (UMR 8019). Ses travaux portent sur la participation des personnes détenues au gouvernement des prisons en France et, avec Gwenola Ricordeau, sur l’histoire comparée des mouvements de prisonniers en France et aux États-Unis.
Sharad Chari
Sharad Chari is a geographer at the University of California, Berkeley, and affiliate of WiSER at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He is author of Fraternal Capital, co-editor of Other Geographies and is completing a book called Apartheid Remains.
Rohan Chatterjee
Rohan Chatterjee is a PhD student in Latin American History at the University of Chicago, focusing on rural and indigenous histories. Before grad school Rohan lived in Venezuela teaching English, as well as occasionally writing on regional topics for varios publications including The London Economic, Latin Correspondent, Foregin Policy In Focus and others.
Laetitia Citroën
Laetitia Citroën studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and is currently a PhD candidate in political philosophy at the University of Lyon. Her dissertation examines the philosophical background necessary to rethink economic "development" and genuine independence in West Africa.
Peter Coviello
Peter Coviello is Professor of English at the University of Illinois-Chicago, where he specializes in American literature and queer studies. He is the author of Intimacy in America: Dreams of Affiliation in Antebellum Literature (Minnesota 2005), Tomorrow’s Parties: Sex and the Untimely in Nineteenth-Century America (NYU 2013) – a finalist for a 2014 Lambda Literary Award in LGBT Studies – and, most recently, Long Players: A Love Story in Eighteen Songs (Penguin Books 2018). His next book, Make Yourselves Gods: The Unfinished Business of American Secularism – A Mormon Story, is expected from the University of Chicago Press in 2019.
Aurelian Craiutu
Aurelian Craiutu is Professor of Political Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. He has authored and edited several books on French political thought (Germaine de Staël, Jacques Necker, François Guizot, Alexis de Tocqueville). His most recent books are A Virtue for Courageous Minds: Moderation in French Political Thought 1748-1830 (Princeton University Press, 2012) and Faces of Moderation: The Art of Balance in An Age of Extremes (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017).
Tim Crane
Tim Crane is a Professor of Philosophy at the Central European University, Budapest. He previously taught at UCL and the University of Cambridge, where he was Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy. He founded the Institute of Philosophy in the University of London in 2005. He has written a number of books on the nature of the mind, on metaphysics and on religion and religious belief. His most recent book is The Meaning of Belief (Harvard University Press 2017). He is the Philosophy Consultant Editor of the TLS.
Julia Dehm
Julia Dehm is a Lecturer at the La Trobe Law School, Melbourne, Australia. Her research addresses international climate change law and regulation, transnational carbon markets and the governance of natural resources as well as human rights issues. Prior to starting at La Trobe Julia was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice at the University of Texas in Austin and a Resident Fellow at the Harvard Law School Institute for Global Law and Policy. Her work has been published in the Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, the Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, the London Review of International Law and her forthcoming monograph Reconsidering REDD+: Law, Power and Authority in the Green Economy is under contract with Cambridge University Press.
David Djaïz
David Djaïz est né le 10 décembre 1990 à Agen. Ancien élève de l’École normale supérieure de la rue d’Ulm (où il est entré cacique en 2010) et de l’École nationale d’administration. Titulaire d’un master 2 de philosophie politique de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, il a conduit des recherches sur la genèse de la théorie politique moderne (Hobbes, Machiavel). En 2017, il a publié son premier livre, La guerre civile n’aura pas lieu (éd. du Cerf), dans lequel il confronte le défi du djihadisme « homegrown » aux différentes approches philosophiques de la guerre civile et du dissentiment. En 2019, il a publié un second essai, Slow Démocratie, dans lequel il réhabilite le rôle de l'Etat-nation pour répondre aux défis posés par la mondialisation. Il enseigne depuis 2017 à Sciences Po l'histoire des idées politiques et la philosophie politique au sein du programme « Humanités politiques ».
Hugo Drochon
Hugo Drochon is a political theorist and historian of political thought at the University of Cambridge, with interests in continental political philosophy, democratic theory, liberalism and political realism. His latest book is Nietzsche’s Great Politics, and he is currently researching elite theories of democracy and their impact on democratic theory. His website can be found here: https://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/directory/dr-hugo-drochon
Eskil Elling
Eskil Elling is a Ph.D. student in Philosophy at Northwestern University. He works on contemporary critical theory and post-Kantian political and aesthetic thought.
Michelle Falkenbach
Michelle Falkenbach is a doctoral candidate in public health, management and policy at the University of Michigan. She finds her niche in the unification of public health, policy and political science and is currently researching the impact of the populist radical right governments on health and health policy. Her work finds its focus in Western Europe, particularly in Austria and Italy, and she frequently collaborates with the WHO and the European Observatory on projects related to health and policy making in the European realm.
Catherine Fieschi
Catherine Fieschi is director of the London-based research and advisory group Counterpoint. Counterpoint provides governments, NGOs and enlightened corporate actors with strategic advice on how cultural and social dynamics affect politics and policy-making. Prior to founding Counterpoint, Catherine led the London-based think tank Demos (2005-2008). Catherine holds a PhD in comparative political science from McGill University and is the author of In the Shadow of Democracy (2008) and of numerous pamphlets and articles on extremism, populism, and identity politics and their impact on policy and politics. Her new book, Populocracy: the Tyranny of Authenticity and the Rise of Populism (Agenda/Columbia University Press), is out in July 2019.
Andrew Gibson
Andrew Gibson is a PhD Student at Georgetown University, where he studies political theory and international relations. He earned his BA from James Madison College at Michigan State University and his MA from the University of Chicago. His current research focuses on Machiavelli’s reception in twentieth-century American grand strategy. He resides in Washington, DC.
Daniel Gordon
Daniel Gordon is professor of History at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Bernard Harcourt
Bernard E. Harcourt is a contemporary critical theorist, advocate, and the author most recently of The Counterrevolution: How Our Government Went to War Against Its Own Citizens(Basic Books, 2018). He is the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Columbia University.
Céline Henne
Céline Henne is a PhD candidate in philosophy of science at the University of Cambridge. She is currently working on Dewey’s theory of inquiry and its value for contemporary debates on realism and truth. Before coming to Cambridge, she studied philosophy in Lyon (ENSL) and Paris (ENS/EHESS) and wrote book reviews for Le Monde des Livres.
Docteur et agrégé de lettres, enseignant à l’université, Hervier écrit des articles, chroniques et comptes rendus d'ouvrages sur la politique.
Stephen Hopgood
Stephen Hopgood is Pro-Director (International) at SOAS, University of London, and Professor of International Relations in the Department of Politics and International Studies. Most recently, he was co-editor (with Jack Snyder and Leslie Vinjamuri) of the book Human Rights Futures (Cambridge University Press, 2017) in which he has a chapter titled: "Human Rights: On the Road to Nowhere." He is the author of The Endtimes of Human Rights (Cornell University Press, 2013) and Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International (Cornell University Press, 2006). In addition, he has published on US foreign environmental policy, the future of humanitarianism and the Responsibility to Protect.
Dick Howard
Dick Howard is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stony Brook University. He has written widely on Marx and post-Marxism, critical theory, the New Left, and American political thought. Among his fifteen books are The Marxian Legacy (Palgrave, 2019, third edition); From Marx to Kant (2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 1993), Aux origines de la pensée politique américaine (Buchet-Chastel, 2008); The Primacy of the Political: A History of Political Thought from the Greeks to the French and American Revolutions (Columbia, 2010); Between Politics and Antipolitics: Thinking About Politics After 9/11 (Columbia, 2016) and Les Ombres de l’Amérique: De Kennedy à Trump (Éditions François Bourin, 2018). He is also a frequent political commentator for American, French, and German media.
Cody James Inglis
Cody James Inglis is Junior Researcher at the Institute of Political History (Politikatörténeti Intézet) in Budapest, Hungary. He is an alumnus of the Department of History, Central European University, where he defended his MA in Comparative History jeles (with excellence). He is also a screenwriter and researcher for the documentary film Georg which traces different aspects of the contemporary intellectual reception and memory politics surrounding the Hungarian Marxist philosopher György (Georg) Lukács and his archive in Budapest (forthcoming, 2019).
Anton Jäger
Anton Jäger is a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of History at the University of Cambridge. His research interests include contemporary theories of populism, democracy, popular sovereignty, pluralism, basic income debates and corporate personality. His current thesis examines the intellectual history of late nineteenth-century American Populism under the provisional title “Populism and the Democracy of Producers in the United States, 1877-1922.” He has recently published in academic journals such as Constellations, Global Intellectual History and the European Journal of Social Theory, while also contributing to popular magazines such as Jacobin.
Emmanuel Jousse
Agrégé et docteur en histoire contemporaine, PRAG en histoire à l'Ecole normale supérieure, chercheur associé à l'IHMC UMR-8066 et au Centre d'histoire de SciencesPo. Il a publié Les hommes révoltés. Les origines intellectuelles du réformisme en France (1871-1917), Paris, Fayard, 2017.
Robert Kehoe
Robert L. Kehoe III is an editor at The Point Magazine, whose writing has appeared in the LA Review of Books, Boston Review of Books, First Things, and Commonweal, among others. He has been featured at Arts and Letters Daily and DIGG.com, and is currently working on a book on the political and philosophical dimension of athletics.
James Kloppenberg
James T. Kloppenberg was born in Denver and educated at Dartmouth (A.B. 1973) and Stanford (M.A., 1976, Ph.D., 1980). He enjoys playing tennis, swimming, hiking, and following the Red Sox, the Celtics, and soccer everywhere. He and his wife Mary have lived in Wellesley, MA, since 1980. In recognition of his teaching, he has been named a Harvard College Professor and awarded the Levinson Memorial Teaching Prize by the Harvard Undergraduate Council. He teaches courses on European and American thought, culture, and politics from the ancient world to the present. He serves as the chair of the Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, as well as on the faculty of the graduate program in American Studies and the undergraduate concentration in History and Literature. He also serves on the council of The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville.
Travis Knoll
Travis Knoll is a PhD candidate in History at Duke University. His current work focuses on Black religion, Catholicism, and affirmative action policy in Brazil.
David Kretz
David Kretz is a graduate student in philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure, and has studied political theory, intellectual history, and literature in Vienna, Berlin, and Paris. He has written for The Point Magazine, Public Seminar, Asymptote Journal, Die Bärliner, and Opium Philosophie. He also contributes regularly to Piqd.de.
Justine Lacroix
Justine Lacroix est professeure de théorie politique à l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Elle est notamment l'auteure de L'Europe en procès. Quel Patriotisme au-delà des nationalismes? (Cerf, 2004), La pensée française à l'épreuve de l'Europe (Grasset 2008). Elle a co-édité, avec Kalypso Nicolaïdis, European Stories. Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts (Oxford University Press, 2010). Elle a récemment publié, avec Jean-Yves Pranchère, Le Procès des droits de l'homme. Généalogie du scepticisme démocratique (Paris, Seuil, 2016) qui vient d'être traduit en anglais (Human Rights on Trial, Cambridge University Press 2018).
Tim Lacy
Tim Lacy is an alt-ac historian who works in student affairs. He earned his PhD and MA, both in U.S. history, from Loyola University Chicago. Lacy authored The Dream of a Democratic Culture: Mortimer J. Adler and the Great Books Idea (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), and is chief editor of an ABC-CLIO collection (forthcoming) on anti-intellectualism and elitism. He co-founded both the U.S. Intellectual History Blog and the Society for U.S. Intellectual History. Lacy lives in Chicago and teaches courses at Loyola University Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Newberry Library. He currently works, in student affairs, for the University of Illinois (College of Medicine).
Aurore Lambert
Aurore Lambert est secrétaire générale de la Revue française des affaires sociales et doctorante en science politique à Paris 1. Ses travaux portent sur le capital culturel des élus nationaux.
Eloi Laurent
Eloi Laurent est économiste senior à l'OFCE, Professeur à l'École du Management et de l'innovation de Sciences Po et Professeur invité à l'Université de Stanford.
Olivia Leboyer
Olivia Leboyer est docteur en science politique et enseigne à Sciences Po Paris. Sa thèse, Elite et Libéralisme, a été publiée en 2012 chez CNRS éditions. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur la confiance au sein de l’armée.
Emily J. Levine
Emily J. Levine is an associate professor of education at Stanford University. Her forthcoming book offers a transatlantic history of the modern research university.
Mark Lilla
Mark Lilla was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1956, and was educated at the University of Michigan and Harvard University. After holding professorships at New York University and the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, he joined Columbia University in 2007 as Professor of the Humanities. He has been awarded fellowships by the Institut d’études avancées (Paris), the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), and the American Academy in Rome. In 1995 he was inducted into the French Order of Academic Palms. Lilla is a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, the New York Times, and publications worldwide. His books have been translated into more than a dozen languages. He lectures widely and has delivered the Weizmann Memorial Lecture in Israel and the Carlyle Lectures at Oxford University. In 2015 Overseas Press Club of America awarded him its prize for Best Commentary on International News in Any Medium.
Antoine Lilti
Antoine Lilti est directeur d’études à l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, spécialiste de l’histoire et de l’historiographie des Lumières. Il est l’auteur de Le Monde des salons. Sociabilité et mondanité à Paris au XVIIIe siècle (Fayard 2005), Figures publiques. L’invention de la célébrité (1750-1850) (Fayard 2014) et s’apprête à publier L’héritage des Lumières. Ambivalences de la modernité (EHESS/Gallimard 2019).
Vincent Lloyd
Vincent Lloyd is a scholar of religion and political theory teaching at Villanova University. He is currently writing a book about the politics of fatherhood, divine and human.
Emma Mackinnon
Emma Stone Mackinnon is a lecturer in the history of political thought at the University of Cambridge and a fellow of Emmanuel College.
Jozef Majernik
Jozef Majerník is a PhD candidate in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. He holds a BA from the Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts and an MA in philosophy from Leiden University. His major interests are Plato, Nietzsche, Patočka, and modern returns to ancient thought.
Stéphane Malsagne
Stéphane Malsagne est agrégé et docteur en Histoire (Université de Paris I). Il enseigne régulièrement à Sciences-Po Paris. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur le Liban dont Le Liban en guerre (1975-1990) (en collaboration avec Dima de Clerck) (à paraître en 2020), Sous l’œil de la diplomatie française. Le Liban de 1946 à 1990 (2017) (prix Diane Potier-Boès 2018 de l’Académie française), et Fouad Chéhab (1902-1973), une figure oubliée de l’histoire libanaise (2011).
Adrien Maret
Adrien Maret est doctorant en science politique à l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) au sein du Centre d’études sur le droit et les institutions pénales (CESDIP). Ses travaux portent sur le secteur associatif qui intervient dans les prisons en France. Il étudie en particulier les directions/coordinations/représentations nationales des principales associations et institutions ainsi que les relations de pouvoir qui existent entre elles. Il s’est par ailleurs intéressé à l’histoire carcérale, aux relations police-population et aux répercussions sociopolitiques des attentats en France.
Lucile Marion
Lauréate Fulbright, Lucile Marion enseigne au Linfield College (Oregon). Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur les relations entre philosophie et sciences sociales, tout particulièrement l'histoire, aussi bien que sur les relations réciproques entre théorie (le travail philosophique) et pratique (l'engagement militant). Pour le mémoire de recherche, rédigé dans le cadre du Philmaster (ENS/EHESS), elle a comparé différentes façons d'écrire l'histoire chez Michel Foucault et les historiens des années 1970 en France.
Blair McClendon
Blair McClendon is a writer, film editor, and filmmaker. He lives in New York.
Tommaso Milani
Tommaso Milani has recently obtained a PhD in International History from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His main research interests include the international history of the socialist movement and the emergence of the idea of economic planning in Western Europe.

Sarah Miles
Sarah K. Miles is a global intellectual historian studying anticolonialism, revolution, and print culture in the twentieth-century francophone world. Her current project focuses on transnational print media networks and left-wing militants in France, Quebec, and Algeria in the 1960s and ‘70s.
Chris Millington
Dr. Millington is a Reader in Modern European History at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. He is the author of five books on twentieth-century France, notably Fighting for France: Violence in Interwar French Politics (2018), A History of Fascism in France (2019), and France in the Second World War (2020).
Samuel Moyn
Samuel Moyn is Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence and Professor of History at Yale University.
Natalia Niedmann
Natalia Niedmann is a legal scholar currently completing her JSD at the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on how constitutional law shapes the political imaginations of feminist movements in the US and Latin America. Prior to coming to Chicago, she worked as a lawyer at the Fiscalía Nacional Económica de Chile, a government office roughly equivalent to the DOJ's Antitrust Division.
Josiah Ober
Josiah Ober is Mitsotakis Professor in the School of Humanities and Science at Stanford University, with appointments in classics and political science. He works on historical institutionalism and political theory, focusing on the political thought and practice of the ancient Greek world and its contemporary relevance. He is the author of a number of books, the most recent of which are Demopolis (Cambridge 2017) and Democracy and Knowledge (Princeton 2008).
Fatma Oussedik
Fatma Oussedik est Professeure en Sociologie à l’Université d’Alger 2, département de Sociologie. Elle a été invitée à intervenir dans diverses universités et a publié dans de nombreux pays. Ses ouvrages principaux sont « Identité Féminine à Alger », « Relire les Ittifaqat », « Raconte moi ta ville », « Mutations Familiales en Milieu Urbain » et traduisent son intérêt pour ce qui constitue l’essentiel de ses recherches, ses travaux sur les minorités politiques en Algerie, les Ibadites, les femmes, les jeunes. Elle est membre de Conseils Scientifiques en Méditerranée et a reçu le prix 2019 du Savoir Partagé de l’Université de la Manouba, à Tunis, Tunisie.
Antoine Pageau St-Hilaire
Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire is a PhD student in the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. A native French Canadian, he earned his BA at Université Laval and his MA at the University of Ottawa. His research interests include Ancient philosophy, German philosophy, and political philosophy. He works specifically on appropriations of Greek philosophy in Continental philosophy (especially phenomenology and hermeneutics). His work has been published in various journals, including Polis, Interpretation, Dialogue, Etica & Politica, Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique, Philosophiques, Politique et Sociétés, and the Revue de métaphysique et de morale.

Tom Peebles
Thomas H. Peebles is a retired Department of Justice attorney living in Paris. He regularly reviews recent works on history, politics, political theory and literature at tomsbooks.wordpress.com. He holds degrees from Dartmouth College (A.B), London School of Economics (M.Sc.), University of Detroit School of Law (J.D), and Stanford Law School (J.S.D). At LSE he studied the “History of Political Thought” under Michael Oakeshott. His dissertation at Stanford examined the emergence in the period 1890-1920 of the idea of the federal constitution as a flexible and evolving instrument. He worked and studied for a year at the Faculté de Droit de Clermont-Ferrand, and was a Fulbright grantee at the Université de Paris II (Assas). At the Department of Justice, he worked on DoJ overseas rule of law assistance programs, serving in US Embassies in Haiti, Bulgaria and Benin. At DoJ HQ, he served as Regional Director for DoJ assistance programs in Central and Eastern Europe.

Nathan Pinkoski
Nathan Pinkoski is an Étienne Gilson Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Toronto. His research interests include twentieth-century political thought and early modern political thought. He has written for various publications, including Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Perspectives on Political Science, The Political Science Reviewer, and The Review of Politics. He holds a BA (Hon) from the University of Alberta, Canada, and an MPhil and DPhil in Politics: Political Theory from the University of Oxford. Previous to his post at the University of Toronto, he held a James Madison Program research fellowship, and a lectureship in Politics, at Princeton University. He is co-editor of Augustine in a Time of Crisis, forthcoming from Palgrave-MacMillan Press.
Skomantas Pocius
Skomantas Pocius is a Ph.D. candidate in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, where he studies ethics and political philosophy. He holds a BA from the University of Oxford and an MA from the University of Chicago. His work has appeared in The Point, The American Conservative, and The Daily Signal.
Jean-Yves Pranchère
Jean-Yves Pranchère est professeur de théorie politique au Département de science politique de l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Ses travaux portent sur la tradition contre-révolutionnaire (dont L'autorité contre les Lumières. La philosophie de Joseph de Maistre, Droz, 2004), le nationalisme, la laïcité et la démocratie selon Claude Lefort. Justine Lacroix et lui ont écrit ensemble Le Procès des droits de l'homme. Généalogie du scepticisme démocratique (Seuil, 2016) et Les droits de l'homme rendent-ils idiot ? (Seuil, 2019).
Sophia Rosenfeld
Sophia Rosenfeld is the Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania. She specializes in the intellectual history of the Enlightenment and trans-Atlantic Age of Revolutions and is the author of three books: A Revolution in Language: The Problem of Signs in Late Eighteenth-Century France (Stanford, 2001), Common Sense: A Political History (Harvard, 2011), and Democracy and Truth: A Short History (UPenn, 2019).
Adam Rowe
Adam Rowe is a postdoctoral teaching fellow at the University of Chicago. A historian of the United States, Rowe's research has focused on American political thought from the Revolution to the Civil War.
Sarah Rozenblum
Diplômée de l'IEP de Paris, Sarah Rozenblum a travaillé à la direction de la recherche du Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé et dans des cabinets privés. Elle est doctorante en santé publique et sciences politiques à l'Université du Michigan à Ann Arbor. Son travail en santé publique se double d'un intérêt pour la philosophie et les sciences religieuses, qu'elles a étudiées à l'Ecole normale supérieure et auprès du rabbin Delphine Horvilleur.

Christopher Rudolph
Christopher Rudolph is a JD student at the University of Wisconsin Law School. His research interests include corrections, policing, and the role of risk assessment in the criminal system. Before law school, Chris was a Public Affairs Fellow at Coro Southern California.
David Runciman
David Runciman is Professor of Politics at Cambridge University and author of a number of books on the history of democracy, including The Confidence Trap (2013) and How Democracy Ends (2018). He writes regularly about politics for the London Review of Books and hosts the popular weekly podcast Talking Politics.
Farès Sassine
Farès Sassine est né en 1947. Doctorat à Paris IV Sorbonne. A enseigné la philosophie moderne et contemporaine à l’Université libanaise de 1979 à 2011. Directeur de la maison d’édition Dar Annahar de 1999 à 2012. Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages d’histoire en arabe et en français. BLOG: http://fares-sassine.blogspot.com/

Christopher Schaefer
Christopher Schaefer is a PhD candidate in History at the University of Cambridge. His research interests include American foreign policy intellectuals, Cold War think tanks, foreign correspondents, and the relationship between Catholicism and liberalism.
Joan Wallach Scott
Joan Wallach Scott is Professor Emerita in the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study. Her classic, Gender and the Politics of History, has just been reissued in a thirtieth anniversary edition by Columbia University Press. Recent work includes, The Politics of the Veil; The Fantasy of Feminist History; and (forthcoming) Knowledge, Power, and Academic Freedom.
David Sessions
David Sessions is a doctoral candidate in European history at Boston College and a visiting student at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He previously worked as a journalist and editor, and his writing appears occasionally in The New Republic, Jacobin, and elsewhere. His website can be found here: https://hdavidsessions.wordpress.com/
Blake Smith
Blake Smith is a Harper Schmidt Fellow at the University of Chicago. He is a historian of modern France and a translator of contemporary francophone fiction. He writes for such popular media outlets as Tablet and Aeon.
James Sparrow
James T. Sparrow is Associate Professor in History and the College at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Warfare State: World War II Americans and the Age of Big Government (Oxford University Press 2011). With William Novak and Stephen Sawyer he has edited Boundaries of the State in U.S. History (University of Chicago Press 2015) and two special issues of the Tocqueville Review on problems of the democratic state . He is currently completing Atomic Liberty: The Problem of the Democratic State in the American Century, a study of how global power transformed conceptions of self-government in the United States from the 1940s to the 1970s.
Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins is currently a Visiting Presidential Fellow in the Religion Department at Yale University. He is writing a book for Columbia University Press tentatively titled, The Other Intellectuals: Raymond Aron and the United States . He is on the editorial board of the Tocqueville Review.
Jennifer Stitt
Jennifer Stitt is a historian of modern American thought, culture, and politics. She earned a B.A. and M.A. in history from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and is a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. intellectual history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her writing has appeared in Aeon, Aura Literary Arts Magazine, Essay Daily, Guernica, On Being, Public Seminar, and other places. She is currently working on a book about the history of solitude.
Jonny Thakkar
Jonny Thakkar is an assistant professor of political science at Swarthmore College and the author of Plato as Critical Theorist (Harvard 2018). He previously taught at the University of British Columbia and was a postdoctoral fellow with Princeton University’s Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts. He is one of the founding editors of The Point .
Tom Theuns
Tom Theuns is Assistant Professor of Political Theory and European politics at Leiden University and Associate Researcher at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po Paris. Previously, he held a research position at Utrecht University and a teaching position at the University of Amsterdam. Current research projects investigate the right to vote, especially the democratic legitimacy of disenfranchisement and the appropriate boundaries of the franchise, the tension between democratic ideals and EU policies, procedural accounts of the value and justification of democratic government and the legitimate scope of EU policies designed to protect and entrench democratic government.
Daniel Zamora Vargas
Daniel Zamora is an assistant professor of sociology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Sebastian Veg
Sebastian Veg is a professor (directeur d’études) of intellectual history of 20th century China at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris and an honorary professor at the University of Hong Kong. He was director of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in Hong Kong from 2011 to 2015. He has written on Chinese intellectuals and public spheres in the 20th century, the memory of the Mao era, and the democracy movement in Hong Kong. His most recent book is Minjian: The Rise of China’s Grassroots Intellectuals (Columbia 2019).
Samuel Walker
Samuel Walker is an American engaged in graduate studies of philosophy and international relations at the Freie Universität in Berlin, where he also works as an editor and translator.
Lisa Wedeen
Lisa Wedeen is the Mary R. Morton Professor of Political Science and the College and the codirector of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory at the University of Chicago. She is the author of Ambiguities of Domination: Politics, Rhetoric, and Symbols in Contemporary Syria (UChicago 1999) and Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power and Performance in Yemen (UChicago 2008). Her latest book, Authoritarian Apprehensions: Ideology, Judgement, and Mourning in Syria is forthcoming in September 2019.
Patrick Weil
Patrick Weil is a historian of immigration and citizenship law, a senior research fellow at the CNRS and the University of Paris 1, and a visiting professor at Yale Law School. His most recent book is Le sens de la République.
Juan Wilson
Juan Wilson is a legal historian currently completing his PhD in Latin American History at the University of Chicago. Prior to moving to Chicago, he taught Civil Law and Legal History at La Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Santiago. Before teaching, he clerked for a former member of the Chilean Supreme Court rotating through a number of UNCTAD and ICC arbitration panels.
Albert Wu
Albert Wu is assistant professor of history at the American University of Paris. He specializes in the global history of health and religion, and his latest book is From Christ to Confucius, offering a revisionist history of how European missionaries in China went from outspoken opponents of Confucianism to ardent defenders of it.
Stephen Wu
Stephen Wu is a graduate of Georgetown University who currently finds himself living in Texas.
Levent Yilmaz
Levent Yilmaz a enseigné l'histoire culturelle et intellectuelle européenne à Istanbul aux universités Bilgi et Koç. Ses recherches portent sur l'historiographie et sur les fondements juridico-politiques de la modernité en Europe. Il a travaillé avec Tullio Gregory (SAS, Fondation San Carlo di Modena) pour son mémoire de MA et avec François Hartog pour son doctorat à l'EHESS. Il y a soutenu en 2002 une thèse sur « La Querelle des Modernes ». Le jury a été composé de Roger Chartier, Marcel Gauchet, Quentin Skinner et Françoise Waquet. Il a également travaillé comme éditeur (Dost, Actes Sud, YKY, Galaade etc.). Il a publié Le Temps Moderne (Gallimard 2004). Il a également dirigé la traduction turque du Dictionnaire des mythologies de Yves Bonnefoy (Dost 2000) et a publié deux volumes collectifs sur Giambattista Vico (Bilgi U. Press 2007). Il était le commissaire de l’exposition rétrospective de Yüksel Arslan au Musée santralistanbul en 2009. Il travaille sur la notion de la nature humaine et de la sociabilité dans les écrits des penseurs politiques (Machiavel, Vitoria, Juste Lipse, Alberico Gentili, Suarez, Grotius, Althusius, Selden, Hobbes, Puffendorf) dans la tradition du droit naturel et historiographie du politique, en mettant l'accent sur l'œuvre du penseur napolitain Giambattista Vico. Il a été Senior Braudel Fellow à l'Institut universitaire européen, Directeur d'études invité à l'EHESS, Mellon Fellow à l'Université Harvard, Villa I Tatti et Fellow de l'Institut d'études avancées de Paris. Il est actuellement membre associé du Centre de recherches historiques de l’EHESS.
Valentine Zuber
Valentine Zuber est Directrice d’études à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE-PSL) titulaire de la chaire de « Religions et relations internationales ». Historienne de formation, elle s’est d’abord spécialisée dans l’histoire de la tolérance religieuse et du pluralisme en Europe. Elle a particulièrement travaillé sur les formes prises la laïcité en France et dans le monde. Elle s’intéresse actuellement aux rapports historiques entretenus entre le christianisme et les droits de l’homme. Elle travaille enfin sur les paradoxes de la défense de la liberté de religion et de conviction dans le monde, dans le cadre de l’universalisation des droits de l’homme.
Ivana Mihaela Žimbrek
Ivana Mihaela Žimbrek comes from Zagreb, Croatia. She is currently a first-year PhD student at the Department of History, Central European University, where she works on a dissertation entitled “Links in the Chain: Department Stores and the Transformation of the Economic, Social and Urban Environment in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1950s–1980s.” Her scholarly interests include the histories of society, everyday life, architecture and urban planning under European state-socialism. Since 2014, she has written for several feminist and cultural non-profit media in Croatia on topics such as art, design, popular culture and cinema.
David Ragazzoni
David Ragazzoni was trained in intellectual history and the history of political philosophy at Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, Italy. He is currently a PhD candidate (ABD) and a Preceptor in Political Theory at Columbia University, New York. His work focuses on the long history of representative government and democracy, from the Italian Renaissance to contemporary party government and its challenges. His first monograph (in Italian)—The Democratic Leviathan. Parliament, Parties, and Leaders from Weber to Kelsen (Rome, 2016)—is currently being translated into English.
Arthur Ghins
Arthur Ghins is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Political Theory Project at Brown University. In September 2021, he will be joining the Centre for the Study of Representative Institutions at Yale University as a Postdoctoral Researcher. His work deals with the interface between the history of political thought, contemporary democratic theory, and current debates about liberalism.