This is a friendly reminder to our readers in Paris that Tocqueville 21 is hosting a discussion on the contemporary legacy of Mai 68 this Friday at the Bar Commun (135, rue des Poissonniers) in the 18th arrondissement. Come get a drink from 17h30, and we should begin the discussion around 18h. Aurore Lambert, who has written for us in the past and who co-runs the bar, will be speaking about the impact of Mai 68 on educational attainment, and I will have a few words about American conservative pensée anti-68 (something I touched on in a recent post), before we introduce our guest speaker Frédéric Worms.


Frédéric is a renowned specialist of 20th century French philosophy and a professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. He is also a co-host of the France Culture radio show Matières à penser. He is always a joy to listen to, and we are excited to have him with us this Friday.


Finally, on Saturday morning, Stephen Sawyer and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins are hosting a conference on Mai 68 at the American University of Paris. Many of the conference participants will be at our event on Friday, and for a complete list of their presentation abstracts, see this previous post. If you are interested in attending the conference, please email Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins at (no RSVP needed for Friday’s event!).


Photo Credit: Morvandiau, Sois Une Start-Up Nation et Tais Tois (poster at le Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême) [photograph by ActuaLitté], via Flikr, CC BY SA 2.0.



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