Dick Howard sur 50 ans de fractures américaines

29 June 2020


Readers of The Tocqueville Review/ La Revue Tocqueville may recognize Dick Howard, an American political theorist who often discusses US politics on French media, as the author of a recent essay on the concept of the New Left, published in the journal earlier this spring. Howard spoke with Tocqueville21 last July about his latest book, Les Ombres de l’Amérique: De Kennedy à Trump (Éditions François Bourin, 2018). Here you can find a video interview between Howard and the French journalist François Sergent, as part of a special Akadem symposium on « 50 ans de fractures américaines ». In his conversation with Sergent, Howard returns to some of the major themes of Les Ombres, comparing the contradictions of the Trump era to the challenges of the 1960s.


Photo Credit: Les Ombres de L’Amerique (Éditions François Bourin), Fair Use.


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