Dick Howard

Dick Howard is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stony Brook University. He has written widely on Marx and post-Marxism, critical theory, the New Left, and American political thought. Among his fifteen books are The Marxian Legacy (Palgrave, 2019, third edition); From Marx to Kant (2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 1993), Aux origines de la pensée politique américaine (Buchet-Chastel, 2008); The Primacy of the Political: A History of Political Thought from the Greeks to the French and American Revolutions (Columbia, 2010); Between Politics and Antipolitics: Thinking About Politics After 9/11 (Columbia, 2016) and Les Ombres de l’Amérique: De Kennedy à Trump (Éditions François Bourin, 2018). He is also a frequent political commentator for American, French, and German media.

Le « rope-a-dope » de 2020

4 September 2020 |

Dans un article pour AOC, le contributeur du blog Dick Howard discute la politique à l’approche des élections américaines et demande, comment en sommes-nous arrivés là?     Photo credit: […]
