C’est parti!

15 January 2018

Now that this site is up and running, a few quick updates on what’s coming. Art and I will of course be posting on French, American, and global democracy on a regular basis from here on out. But we also have some special content coming up. First will be a series of interviews with authors whose recent work has dealt with the effect of neoliberalism on democratic politics, featuring Wendy Brown, Marcel Gauchet, and Jean-Claude Monod. We also have guest posts in the works on Macron, Trump, and immigration by Patrick Weil, and on democracy and human rights in the Sinosphere by Albert Wu, in addition to book reviews of recent work by Michaël Foessel, Aurélien Bellanger, and Élie Baranets. Finally, in February we will be running a series of reflections on the role of elites in contemporary democracy, featuring Hugo Drochon, Aurore Lambert, and Olivia Leboyer. This is of course just a quick overview, and I expect much more to come as the blog evolves. Stay tuned!


The Tocqueville 21 Blog is also accepting pitches from guest contributors. If you have an idea for an article to be featured on the blog, in English or French, please write to jacob.hamburger@tocqueville21.com.


Et pour m’adresser à nos lecteurs francophones, je sais qu’à présent, le blog peut sembler dominé par les anglophones. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, dans ces prochains articles, l’esprit de bilinguisme sera respecté!

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