Europe Has Disappeared

8 November 2021

Anyone watching the debate among the five LR candidates for the party’s presidential nomination must be wondering whatever happened to Europe. The first questions asked of each candidate were 1) What will your first decisions be? and 2) Where will you go for your first official journey? Traditionally, the answer to 2) would have been “Berlin.” Not this year. Ciotti and Bertrand will head straight for “the northern suburbs of Marseille,” one of those territories allegedly “lost to the Republic,” to reclaim their territory from “the gangs, the dealers, and les barbus.” Juvin would go to Corsica, Pécresse (helmed in gold like a medieval warrior under her rigid blonde coif) to a center for the handicapped. Crime, security, and immigration were the leading themes, but “security” no longer means strengthening the EU or tending to the Franco-German couple. Astonishing.


Photo Credits: Europe in 1923, by George Washington Bacon (1830-1921) (Public domain) via Wikimedia Commons.

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